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Pace, Momentum, and Inner Creative State just a thought

Pace is the speed at which you go through your days. Pace can control you. Tire you. Stress...

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Your Most Important Investment one-person business

As an OPB, you are your most important investment.

Treat this investment as you would any other.

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Struggling with Fear of Asking? nonprofit fundraising

My journey with nonprofits started in 1998 at an AIDS service organization in Athens, GA. Cutting...

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Feeling Success just a thought

The feeling of success is a new idea making its way into the mind from that special place ideas...

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The OPB Road one-person business

The OPB road is a hard one. No. Let me rephrase that. The OPB road is not the hardest road. It's...

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Nonprofit Fiscal Year-End Tip nonprofit data

Is your nonprofit quickly approaching the end of the fiscal year? Need a push to achieve...

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The Connected Nonprofit Asker nonprofit fundraising

The connected nonprofit asker doesn't simply connect people. Although these connections are...

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Intuitive Reactions just a thought

You have intuitive reactions to everything every minute of every day.

These reactions are largely...

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Nothing More, Nothing Less one-person business

OPBs, regardless of industry, are nothing if not problem solvers. Clients and customers come to...

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