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Two Types of Nonprofit Fundraising Reports nonprofit fundraising

As a dedicated nonprofit fundraising pro, you are well aware that the data derived from your...

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Breathing: Asking Success and the Air You Breathe nonprofit fundraising

As we've often discussed here, nonprofit fundraising and acting may seem like worlds apart at...

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Setting Intentions: What Do You Want? nonprofit fundraising

In acting, an actor sets an intention to bring their character's desires to life. This intention...

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Listening Skills: Ears Wide Open nonprofit fundraising

For nonprofit fundraisers, effective communication is essential for building relationships and...

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Solo Scripting: Playing Both Sides nonprofit fundraising

Nonprofit fundraisers are tasked with communicating effectively with donors and persuading them...

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Why Nonprofit Fundraisers Should Study Constantin Stanislavski nonprofit fundraising

Nonprofit fundraisers should study Constantin Stanislavski because his theories and techniques in...

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The Vulnerability Trap nonprofit fundraising

Nonprofit fundraisers, much like actors, can benefit from embracing vulnerability in their work....

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You've Got the Power nonprofit fundraising

One of the most powerful skills you can have, or learn, or strengthen is to show gratitude...

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Tempo and Rhythm nonprofit fundraising

In music, tempo is how fast or slow a piece of music is performed while rhythm is the placement...

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Presentation Science nonprofit fundraising

A nonprofit fundraising ask is typically the culmination of a series of smaller presentations to...

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