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Assumptions and Absolutes in Nonprofit Fundraising Data nonprofit data

There is a delicate balance between assumptions and absolutes when working with nonprofit...

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Public Solitude: Finding Calm Amidst the Chaos acting for all

For actors around the globe, Constantin Stanislavski is a name that resonates with profound...

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Balance Is... just a thought

Balance is stability.

Balance is harmony.

Balance is a way of life.

Balance is a conscious...

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Creative Persistence and the Solopreneur one-person business

A one-person business owner's role is not merely limited to being an entrepreneur but extends to...

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Two Recent Raiser's Edge NXT Updates nonprofit data

There are two recent feature updates in Blackbaud's Raiser's Edge NXT I wanted to bring to your...

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Intentional Play acting for all

Play is often misconstrued as a frivolous pastime or exclusively the dominion of children. Yet,...

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Navigating Your River of Thoughts just a thought

"I'm all over the place today." A common phrase when a day gets to be a bit hectic.

The notion of...

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The Power of Honest Performativity for the Solopreneur one-person business

In the world of the one-person business owner, every interaction becomes a performance. Not a...

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[Video] Importacular Tools with Zeidman Development nonprofit data

Last week I cohosted a webinar with the incredible Christine Robertson from Zeidman Development -...

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Breathing: Asking Success and the Air You Breathe nonprofit fundraising

As we've often discussed here, nonprofit fundraising and acting may seem like worlds apart at...

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