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The Spark just a thought

The spark of an idea, sometimes seemingly random, sets thinking in motion which leads to...

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Accountability one-person business

Without accountability a goal is simply a wish.

As a one-person business owner what's the...

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QA-ing Your Giving Season nonprofit data

Giving season is upon us. One-third of all charitable giving occurs in the last three months of...

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Hearts and Heads nonprofit fundraising

We've all heard something to this effect, "Some donors give with the heart and others with the...

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Old New Skills just a thought

A while back I shared I was relearning to handstand. Well I also started juggling again.


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What's Behind That Door? one-person business

Doors have often been used as a metaphor to represent opportunity. This metaphor tends to...

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Toward Data Maturity nonprofit data

Fundraising data maturity is a measurement of how advanced a nonprofit organization's data...

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An Asker's TEAM nonprofit fundraising

Being a team player is a true hallmark of success as a nonprofit asker.

Askers need the power of...

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These Things and Those Things just a thought

These things beget these things.

Those things beget those things.

Goodness begets goodness.


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Down with OPB one-person business

There are many paths people take to make their way to one-person business (OPB) ownership....

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