The Actor & The Asker: Series Recap
Hi there. Ed Hohlbein here with the final installment of our similarities between ACTORS and ASKERS series. And as this is the final in the series (for now) I thought a bit of a recap would be in order.
If you caught these posts early on, you know that I define an actor (especially a good actor) as anyone who strives to bring authenticity, truth, empathy, and understanding to every exchange either onstage or off. And an asker as anyone in a position to make an ask - any ask really. ACTORS and ASKERS rely on many of the same skills, traits, and tools to successfully do their work.
In this series, we’ve explored just a few of the ways that ACTORS and ASKERS are alike. To recap these similarities, include:
- Connection – Both actors and askers must be adept at connecting with others quickly, effortlessly, and authentically.
- The Other – As an actor or asker, all your energy, your entire focus must be on The Other
- Empathy – Askers who, like actors, allow empathy are much better equipped to bring authenticity and a deep connection to their interactions.
- Interest – Askers must develop the same level of interest in all things that actors have worked to develop.
- Reaction – The exchange actors have with other actors as well as the exchange an asker has with prospects are both all about give and take. Put another way – reacting.
- Authenticity – Askers who strive for the same level of authenticity that actors strive for will see and feel a significant improvement in their asks.
- Adaptability – Actors and Askers must remain flexible in any situation or environment they find themselves in.
- In the Moment/Staying Present – When actors and askers sharply focus on the moment directly in the scene or visit they are presently in – moment to moment – nerves, worry, anxiety, and fear melt away.
- Instincts & Intuition – Askers, in the same manner as actors, must develop through consistent training and practice strong instincts and then trust those instincts completely.
- Storytelling – Askers who take their cue from actors and master the art of storytelling can’t help but be successful.
So why do I feel exploring these similarities is important? Because what you do as an asker with your organization is too important to not use every tool in your asking toolbox to help make your communities the absolute best and strongest they can be through the work that you do raising money for your organization’s mission.
Now I know asking ASKERS to work like ACTORS may seem more than a bit unconventional, or a stretch, or just plain weird, but it works. I'm living proof. I've used these acting traits/skills/techniques to overcome my fear of asking throughout my two decades of asking in a variety of capacities.
Hopefully you’ve started to see and understand the connection between each of these similarities and why they are equally important to the ASKER as they are to the ACTOR. I’ll continue exploring the ASKER-ACTOR connection more in the new year so stay tuned.
I’ll leave you with this thought today, ACTORS and ASKERS do the same work. Their end-product may be different, but their training and process should be exactly the same.
Thank you so much for watching and have a great day.
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