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You Can't Resist This just a thought

You know that intense, internal, mental resistance you feel toward doing something out of your...

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Hidden Traps one-person business

One-person business owners are susceptible to certain types of hidden...or not so hidden...traps....

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Alive and Kicking nonprofit data

Your organization's donor management system is a critical tool in creating meaningful connections...

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An Actor's Guide to Prospect Analysis nonprofit fundraising

Actors use a wide range of techniques to get to know the characters they play so they can...

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THANK YOU just a thought

Gratitude is the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return...

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How many ways... one-person business

can a one-person business owner say thank you?

  1. I appreciate you.
  2. I can't thank you enough.
  3. Thank...
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Thanksgiving Day-duh nonprofit data

Some interesting Thanksgiving Day data points.

  1. Thanksgiving used to look like Halloween
    At the...
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A Simple Thanks nonprofit fundraising

How do you express gratitude to the donors who support the mission of your organization?


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If You're Waiting just a thought

If you're waiting for someone to give you permission to...

...learn that new skill...


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Opening Statements one-person business

As a consultant, trainer, or speaker, whether working with a small group, large team,...

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