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Sometimes All You Need nonprofit fundraising

Nonprofit fundraisers are always on the lookout for creative, budget-friendly ways to...

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Struggling with Fear of Asking? nonprofit fundraising

My journey with nonprofits started in 1998 at an AIDS service organization in Athens, GA. Cutting...

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Nonprofit Fiscal Year-End Tip nonprofit data

Is your nonprofit quickly approaching the end of the fiscal year? Need a push to achieve...

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The Connected Nonprofit Asker nonprofit fundraising

The connected nonprofit asker doesn't simply connect people. Although these connections are...

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Clean Fundraising Data nonprofit fundraising

Keeping your fundraising data clean can help streamline your fundraising initiatives. Clean...

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Storysharer nonprofit fundraising

A storysharer is constantly on the lookout for the perfect word, collecting them to be ready...

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Data Inspiration nonprofit data

Okay so these don't speak specifically to nonprofit fundraising data, but they're oh so spot on.

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Asker Authenticity nonprofit fundraising

We've all been in situations where for whatever reason we felt like we couldn't quite be...

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Nonprofit Fundraising Data Thoughts nonprofit fundraising

If you want to beef up your fundraising data knowledge, check out these three posts. You'll get a...

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