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Crimes Against Data-manity nonprofit data

When a nonprofit organization first comes to me for help, they've often committed unspeakable...

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Disconnection nonprofit fundraising

It's no secret that understanding, creating, and maintaining connection in nonprofit fundraising...

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Quantitative vs. Qualitative nonprofit data

Behind every set of numbers is a narrative that tells the story of those numbers. Back of every...

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C.E. & I.C.S. for the A.S.K. nonprofit fundraising

In last week's nonprofit fundraising post, we explored fundraising flow and ways to...

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A Warm Welcome...Back nonprofit data

Many nonprofit organizations started their new fiscal year last week. As your team works...

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Achieving Fundraising Flow nonprofit fundraising

You know the feeling - that feeling you get when you finish a prospect visit and feel amazing,...

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Nonprofit Data Nourishment nonprofit data

Quality growth in most areas of life occurs incrementally. Regardless of what you’re trying...

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Complete Consideration nonprofit fundraising

As a fundraiser, what are you communicating when you say something? What are you trying to...

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The Woo of Data nonprofit data

Holy cannoli! I sure have been talking a lot about connection lately. In my recent three-post...

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The Teacher nonprofit fundraising

This is the third post of a three-part series about understanding, creating, and maintaining...

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