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Loosey-Goosey List nonprofit data

Pulling an accurate list from your donor management system can be challenging in and of itself....

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Word Up nonprofit fundraising

What's in the words you choose to use as a nonprofit asker and share with your fundraising...

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On the Daily just a thought


  • Say thank you first thing in the morning in your own unique way.
  • Hop on the first idea...
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Enough is Enough Already one-person business

One of the most important skills a one-person business can have is to know or feel when enough is...

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Tributes Come to RE NXT nonprofit data

Tributes - IMOs and IHOs - have come to Blackbaud's Raiser's Edge NXT (RE NXT) donation forms!


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8 Tips for Nonprofit Askers nonprofit fundraising

Successful fundraising programs that last are largely about organization, building trust,...

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Putting in the Work just a thought

Over the past few years I've been investing more time than perhaps I ever have on...

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Work Worth Doing one-person business

Are you doing work worth doing?

Of course this means different things to different people.


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Mission Sustaining Data nonprofit data

Much of the goodness provided via your organization's mission is unmeasurable. In some cases,...

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Disarming nonprofit fundraising

It sometimes helps nonprofit askers to be disarming.

Think about it. If the prospect you're...

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