Queries and Lists in Raiser's Edge NXT and other donor management systems are ways to create...
Over the course of a typical day fundraisers engage with people via phone, Zoom, email, and in...
Recently I wrote about one of the most valuable skills you can have - showing gratitude. There's...
Between to do lists, meetings, and events a nonprofit database pro can start to feel outpaced by...
Many fundraisers are self-starting, independent-minded, natural leaders. But what if you...
As children we are encouraged to explore our imagination. As adults, when the busyness of life...
As a nonprofit fundraiser you may avoid data like the plague, but it can and should be your...
Everyone is trying to get something. This often takes on a negative connotation; however, it is...
This post goes out to my nonprofit data friends but is certainly applicable to anyone learning a...
In his Poetics, written around 335 BC, Aristotle wrote, “Imitation is natural to man from...