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The Asker

nonprofit fundraising

Chances are if you're reading this, you're an asker. There's an even higher chance that you're a nonprofit asker.

What's an asker you...ask? An asker is anyone in a position to ask for something, anything really. We all find ourselves in asking mode every day of our lives - requesting time off, a raise in pay, asking for help, or for the sake of this post, asking for a charitable contribution - a nonprofit asker.

Askers encounter the unknown regularly as they work with prospects, placing themselves in what can feel like vulnerable positions with potential rejection. Yet in the face of this, nonprofit askers are:

  • Brave
  • Persistent
  • Courageous
  • Understanding
  • Empathetic
  • Authentic
  • Truthful

They show up. They connect. They ask. There are so many internal as well as external dynamics happening during a prospect visit, it's a testament to their communication skills when they close one ask let alone several over the course of a year.

The work of an asker requires qualities that aren't always easy to obtain and maintain. If you're an asker working hard to promote your nonprofit organization's mission and advocate for those who benefit from it, thank you. You are appreciated. You are needed. You are an indispensable leader in your community.

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