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Balancing NOW just a thought

As we walk our own unique paths, we often find ourselves juggling between reflections of our...

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We Sit. We Notice. We Accept. just a thought

In our journey to personal improvement, we often forget the magic of the present moment, getting...

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The Fix just a thought

You don't need to be fixed - you need to be accepted. By yourself and by others, for who you are,...

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Stillness in the Chaos just a thought

Recognizing that chaos is often self or group-manufactured is the first step towards finding...

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S.T.O.P just a thought

S - Stop: When you find yourself in a situation that is causing you stress or discomfort, the...

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Disagreement vs Argument just a thought

There's a profound nugget of wisdom nestled within a recent Janet Jackson docuseries, shared by...

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Random Chatter vs Useful Insights just a thought

In the swirling vortex of the digital realm, the internet, replete with unending conversations,...

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Are You Really Afraid? just a thought

Mark Twain, a master of wit and wisdom, once said, "I've had a lot of worries in my life, most of...

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Balance Is... just a thought

Balance is stability.

Balance is harmony.

Balance is a way of life.

Balance is a conscious...

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Navigating Your River of Thoughts just a thought

"I'm all over the place today." A common phrase when a day gets to be a bit hectic.

The notion of...

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