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Cast Your Net

nonprofit data nonprofit fundraising

Queries and Lists in Raiser's Edge NXT and other donor management systems are ways to create a list of records that have something in common.

Here are some simple tips to help hone the results in your Queries and Lists.

  1. When initially determining your criteria - or common denominator - cast a wide net. Avoid too many criteria.
  2. Analyze your fist throw of the net - your results.
  3. Recast your net by refining your criteria.
  4. Analyze your second throw of the net - your results.
  5. Each time you change the criteria cast your net again.
  6. Each time you change the output cast your net again.

Bonus: #5 and #6 will help you quickly identify criteria or output that may be triggering duplicates in your results.

Keeping your criteria simple and casting your net as many times as needed will yield the perfect "catch" to meet the goal you have set for your list.

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