Struggling with Fear of Asking?
My journey with nonprofits started in 1998 at an AIDS service organization in Athens, GA. Cutting my fundraising teeth at an AIDS service organization in rural NE Georgia in the late 90s had its challenges to say the least, but was incredibly rewarding.
To be completely honest, in those early days my fear of asking was somewhat debilitating. But someone shared a bit of fundraising wisdom with me that helped control the anxiety and fear. It has stayed with me to this day. "Ed, folks just want to be heard...to be seen. Do this for them and you're more than half way there."
When you genuinely hear and see your fundraising prospects (and then add a little something else like your undivided attention and a clear explanation of your organization's mission) success in fundraising (especially personal solicitations) will follow. The fear that surrounds asking can be complicated and sometimes deep-seated. The actual ask of asking work is not complicated.
First and foremost make sure your prospect is heard and seen. Here's a few additional practical techniques to conquer your fear of the ask.
- You work at a nonprofit organization. The organization relies on support from the community to carry out its mission. Trust me when I say - your prospect knows why you want to visit with them. Take comfort in this.
- You are not the lead actor in your visits, you're prospect is. By making it about you, you put undo pressure on yourself which leads to anxiety and fear. Place your prospect center stage by asking questions and engaging them on topics other than the actual ask.
- Get comfortable discussing money with others. I wasn't raised in a home where money was discussed. When it came time to discuss it with others (my prospects), I didn't have those skills. Practice talking money with your friends and colleagues. Heck discuss it with your pet just make sure you practice out loud.
- Rehearse, again out loud, any objections your prospect may raise to your ask.
By committing to hearing and seeing your fundraising prospects and practicing these simple techniques, you'll keep fear of asking from getting the better of you.
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