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header that says "storysharer"


nonprofit fundraising

A storysharer is constantly on the lookout for the perfect word, collecting them to be ready at a moment's notice too arrange them in a particular order to help make sense of the world, to understand experiences, to communicate experiences, and to create an emotional impact in listeners.

The hope of the storysharer is that shared words arranged in a specific way provide a deeper insight into our lives, highlight our similarities, build compassion for others, and strengthen the sense of our shared humanity. In other words, connect us.

You may be thinking, "Ed, didn't you just make up a word, but you're really talking about a storyteller?" Okay, I did make up a word. I'll give you that. However, there's a subtle difference. Storysharer feels more active, collaborative to me than storyteller.

Why is this important to nonprofit askers? Storysharing is precisely what nonprofit askers do. They choose the most appropriate words through prospect research, arrange them thoughtfully, and then share them to create an emotional impact in their prospects.

How are you collecting, arranging, and sharing your words to create emotional impact with your fundraising prospects? How does this emotional impact drive mission investment?

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