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Nonprofit Fiscal Year-End Tip

nonprofit data

Is your nonprofit quickly approaching the end of the fiscal year? Need a push to achieve your fundraising goals by year's end? Follow these simple steps to raise some quick gifts in support of your organization's mission.

  1. Run a LYBUNT report. LYBUNT stand for "last year but unfortunately not this...year." When you run this report make sure to include donor phone numbers. Your CRM may call the LYBUNT report something else, but most modern systems have a version of it.
  2. When you run the report make sure to sort the report in order of gift amount with your largest donors and their gifts at the top of the report.
  3. Use the report to call at least five donors each and every day until the end of your fiscal year.
  4. Try filtering by campaign, fund, and/or appeal so you can target your messaging toward the initiatives donors supported last year.
  5. Before you start calling spend some time writing and rehearsing the perfect ask script so your donors can't possibly say not to you.
  6. Count up that money!

We framed these steps around the end of the fiscal year, but you can of course run this process at any point during the year.

Don't wait. Start this today. It's easy, it's effective, and the ROI can't be beat.


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