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The Asking Ensemble

nonprofit fundraising

An ensemble in the performing arts world is a group of musicians, actors, or dancers who perform together. But there is something much deeper happening for the artists who are individual members of an ensemble.

There is trust. There is honest constructive feedback. There is a balance of skill and talent - where one member may be weak another member is strong. Each individual member of an ensemble understands the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

A successful, well-received, exciting performance regardless of the form the piece of art takes is the result of an ensemble effort.

Nonprofit asking, a form of art as well, also benefits from an ensemble approach. It takes an asking ensemble to successfully work with a fundraising prospect through the development process.

From the database manager, to the prospect researcher, to the portfolio manager, to the frontline fundraiser, to the CEO, to members of the board, all are critical members of the ask ensemble. They each do their individual part to make the fundraising process the best experience possible for prospects with an understanding the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

How are you putting together the perfect ensemble to perform for your prospects in the best way possible?

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