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The Ultimate Gift

nonprofit fundraising

Imagination is the ultimate gift. It is where all things begin.

Nonprofit askers often use this gift as a source of motivation and inspiration as they imagine their work with fundraising prospects unfolding.

You imagine your organization's mission being fully funded.

You imagine the amazing feeling that comes with getting a yes to your request.

You imagine connecting with your prospects and donors in a meaningful, effortless way that benefits all involved.

You imagine the replies, obstacles, and objections you may experience as you engage with prospects.

You imagine how you might overcome these obstacles and objections.

Imagination is the birthplace of all ideas.

There is so much power tucked away in our imaginations yet we are encouraged to abandon it and get real as we grow older.

How do you honor your gift of imagination in your work as a nonprofit asker? How do you keep it alive and harness its power?

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