Money Talks
When I was growing up, we never talked about money in our home. I knew my parents had jobs, they got paid for the work they did, and we went to the bank now and again to do something. What we did at the bank I was unclear on. No talk of budgets, savings, or credit. In junior high I had one section of a math class in which we discussed balancing a checkbook. To say I was less than prepared when it came to financial matters heading into adulthood would be an understatement.
This presented some unique challenges later in life, but none quite as big as talking money with donors and prospects when I became a nonprofit asker.
Talking money is at the center of an asker's job. While it may be uncomfortable for you to talk about money, it's important to find ways to overcome the discomfort.
Here are some tips a wise mentor shared with me that helped me better navigate the all important money talks with donors and prospects.
- Focus on the mission: Remember that the reason you are raising funds is to support your organization's mission. Keep this in mind as you approach current and potential donors. Focus on the impact that their donation will have on the people or causes that your organization serves.
- Practice, practice, practice: The more you practice talking about money and making asks, the more comfortable you will become. Practice with colleagues, friends, or family members. Eventually you will begin to feel more confident.
- Be honest and transparent: Donors and prospects appreciate honesty and transparency. Don't be afraid to explain why you are asking for a donation or how the money will be used.
- Build relationships: Fundraising is all about building relationships with current and future donors. Take the time to get to know them and show that you value their support.
- Ask for help: If you are really struggling with money discussions, consider asking for help from a colleague, mentor, or fundraising superstar. They may be able to provide you with additional tips and strategies for overcoming your discomfort.
Every nonprofit asker has different levels of comfort when talking money with their organization's donors and prospects. And each asker has their own unique approach for handling any discomfort.
As a younger person, did your family have helpful discussions about money? Do you find it challenging to have money talks with your prospects? What are some tactics you have used to become more comfortable in these moments?
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