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Connecting the Data Dots nonprofit data

What do you see in the data? I love this question.

It leaves room for personal perspective and...

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5 Fresh Takes for Nonprofit Fundraisers nonprofit fundraising

Here are five fresh takes for nonprofit fundraisers looking to up their asking game.

  1. Equanimity...
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We Don't Have To just a thought

We don't have to agree with one another.

We don't even have to like one another.

But we don't get...

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5 Hard-Learned Lessons one-person business

Through the years I've learned a few things about being a one-person business owner and...

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The Tyranny of Urgency nonprofit data

How many nonprofit fundraising data professionals out there can relate to this?

It's 4:30 on...

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The Vulnerable Asker nonprofit fundraising

Emotional vulnerability. Many of us have been conditioned to avoid it at all costs....

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Another Way just a thought

There's always another way to say something, convey a thought, share an idea.

Before you...

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What IS one-person business

For many one-person business owners the most challenging skill to master is the ability to accept...

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Data Dog nonprofit data

A dog's ability to smell is far more advanced than our mere human sense of smell.

An average dog...

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Feeling Disconnected? nonprofit fundraising

It's no secret that understanding, creating, and maintaining meaningful connections is one of the...

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