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Data Gifts nonprofit data

The word "data" comes from the Latin word "datum," which means "something given." Something given...

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Their Gifts nonprofit fundraising

A gift is a voluntary transfer of tangible property, including cash, or a transfer in-kind of...

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The Path to Change just a thought

On the path to change, I can be more gentle with myself. I can exercise patience.

In times...

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Whataya Want? one-person business

As a one-person business owner, it's important to understand what people want.

But how do...

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Exporting nonprofit data

Regardless of the fundraising software you use, one way to get data out of your system is...

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Getting nonprofit fundraising

Everyone is trying to get something.

This often takes on a negative connotation;...

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Oldie But... just a thought

As I head into my birthday weekend - the fifty-first if you're interested - some things are...

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Embrace the Play one-person business

There's an Oreo commercial currently airing that uses the tagline, "Stay playful." I...

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Fundraising Data Excitement nonprofit data

Early on in my fundraising data training and consulting career I realized not everyone is as into...

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Active Listening for Nonprofit Askers nonprofit fundraising

One surefire way for nonprofit askers to move closer to a yes to their requests is to listen (and...

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