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Words = Power just a thought

Words have power.


Let me rephrase that.

Words have power if we allow them to have power.


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The Same but Different one-person business

There's no doubt you will be selling the same products or offering the same services as many...

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5 Habits of Happy Fundraising Data Analysts nonprofit data

Are you a nonprofit fundraising data analyst who is feeling less than fulfilled and totally...

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5 Ways Successful Askers are Like Good Actors nonprofit fundraising

The work of a successful nonprofit asker is like the work of a good actor in many ways.

Now, I...

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Last Year's Words just a thought

"For last year's words belong to last year's language and next year's words await another voice....

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Anticipation one-person business

"If you're an over thinker or try to anticipate every barrier before beginning, ask yourself, if...

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NPO EOY Stats nonprofit data

30% of annual giving happens in December, with about 10% of all annual giving coming in the last...

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Helping Each Other nonprofit fundraising

"Asking for help with shame ways: You have the power over me. Asking with condescension says: I...

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Your Gifts just a thought

The gift we all have equal opportunity to give and receive is the gift of connection.

We can all...

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Biz Gifts one-person business

As a solo biz, the most valuable gift you can be given by the giver of gifts whoever or whatever...

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