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"Raiser's Edge & Microsoft Office Integration Changes: A Discussion" Webinar Recap Update

Webinar Recap Update

nonprofit data

A big thank you to everyone who joined the live webinar yesterday.

My hope is you left with a better understanding of the changes coming to the Raiser's Edge and Microsoft Office integrations and with the beginnings of a plan to adjust your organization's workflows impacted by these changes.

A recap of the webinar will be available soon. Watch this space for that.

In the meantime, here is the link to the shared folder I mentioned where you can find:

  • Checklist to help you plan for the changes.
  • Documentation on simple mail merges in Microsoft Word.
  • Slide deck for the webinar.

The links to additional, helpful resources contained in the slide deck are live links. You will need to download the PDF from the folder in order to click through to them.

For those of you who were not able join yesterday - we missed you and these resources are for you too.

My best to all!

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