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Superpower Skill asking communication nonprofit fundraising

One of the most valuable skills you can have, or learn, or teach yourself is to show gratitude in...

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The Best Begets communication just a thought

These things beget these things and those things beget those things.

Goodness begets goodness.


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Resistance is Futile just a thought skills

The intense internal, mental resistance we feel about doing something, trying something,...

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Playing Your Numbers goals just a thought

The other day I shared some thoughts about goals. When it comes right down to it, goals are...

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Goals goals just a thought skills

We're about a month into the new year. How are your goals coming along?

Goals are slippery little...

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You Don't Say communication just a thought

There's always another way to say something, convey a thought, share in idea. Regardless of what...

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Notes of Life just a thought

When asked what music was Leanord Bernstein replied, "Music just is. Music is notes, beautiful...

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A Living just a thought skills

"She makes a really good living," someone said to me recently. That got me is a...

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Doors just a thought

Doors often represent opportunity. Inventor of the telephone, Alexander Graham Bell famously...

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Nonprofit Data Creative nonprofit data

Creativity in any art form is often found in how the artist works within the constraints or...

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