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3-2-1 Contact communication connection just a thought

If we are not connecting on some level with The Other, with the environment we navigate through...

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You Got Skills just a thought skills

Learning and mastering a new skill takes initiative, resilience, and a commitment to sharing.


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Threads just a thought

Some days the thread that ties your project, your book, your thoughts, your ideas, your creative...

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Born This Way acting for askers connection nonprofit fundraising

In his Poetics, written around 335 BC, Aristotle wrote, “Imitation is natural to man from...

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183 Days goals just a thought

Milestones are important. They feel good. They give us a chance to look back at our progress,...

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Super-Objective communication just a thought

What is your life super-objective?

What are your smaller objectives? The day-to-day objectives...

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Talk Talk communication just a thought

When it comes right down to it, I talk for a living. Sometimes I talk as a coach. Other times I...

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Come on Ride the Train career just a thought

Each morning I get up, brush my teeth, and hop on the first idea train that pulls into the mental...

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The Courage to Share just a thought skills

It takes real courage to share. Yes, to a degree I'm talking about things, but to a much larger...

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Excuse Addiction career goals just a thought

It happens slowly, over time. You may be unaware it's even happening. It started out as fun, an...

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