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Ask Consistency asking nonprofit fundraising

If you've read any of my fundraising posts, you know I've written about fundraiser superpowers ...

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We is No Wee Thing just a thought

In tough times of Us versus Them, what feels desperately needed is a lot more We.

W.E. - two...

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Cast Your Net nonprofit data nonprofit fundraising

Queries and Lists in Raiser's Edge NXT and other donor management systems are ways to create...

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Day In & Day Out just a thought

We like our daily schedule to unfold in a way that feels familiar, predictable.

As you work to...

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Comfortable with Vulnerable nonprofit fundraising

Over the course of a typical day fundraisers engage with people via phone, Zoom, email, and in...

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A Day just a thought

When used to describe a day, "good" and "bad" are at the very least useless and at most harmful...

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New Chapters just a thought

Sometimes we don't realize we started a new chapter in life until the last word is written, it is...

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Stronger, Better, Kinder asking connection nonprofit fundraising

Recently I wrote about one of the most valuable skills you can have - showing gratitude. There's...

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New Work Appropriate communication connection just a thought

Somewhere along the line we're taught that certain things are and other things aren't acceptable...

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Keeping Up nonprofit data

Between to do lists, meetings, and events a nonprofit database pro can start to feel outpaced by...

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