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A Database Is nonprofit data

A nonprofit database is...

...easy yet difficult...

...structured yet flexible...

...nothing yet...

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An Ask Is nonprofit fundraising

A nonprofit fundraising ask is...

...subtle yet overt...

...certain yet elusive...


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Juggling just a thought

I LOVE JUGGLING! There I said it.

When I was younger I used to juggle all the time. I've recently...

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Data Flow nonprofit data

Everything has a flow to energy.

Just like there is a fundraising flow askers...

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Ask Alignment nonprofit fundraising

Nonprofit askers hold a special place in my heart and my work. I've been an asker in one form or...

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What's in a Year? just a thought

What's in a year?

Of course there are 12 months, 52 weeks, and 365 days. But what really makes a...

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Analysis vs Instinct just a thought

Whether you're learning new or strengthening existing skills, there is time for thought,...

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The Shortcut Myth nonprofit data

Hands down, the number one question I get asked when working with nonprofit organizations,...

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Perfect Philanthropic Protagonist nonprofit fundraising

Who is your nonprofit's perfect philanthropic protagonist? There's an easy way to figure...

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A Pact just a thought

Let's make a pact.

From this point forward let's stop stressing about what might be at some...

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