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An Asker's Mental Maneuver nonprofit fundraising

You will sometimes get what you ask for...probably most times. You will never...very...

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Love Your Path just a thought

What is the first thing you think of when you wake up each morning and do the thing it is you do?...

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Influential Data nonprofit data

Like art, data can be used to influence an audience in a positive direction or a negative...

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Intentional Asking nonprofit fundraising

For each of your asks...

Are they impactful?

Is the purpose clear?

Are you asking with...

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Making Risk Possible just a thought

Risk is a common theme in my posts. But I get it. Taking a risk can be scary. It can make...

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Data-Money-Mission nonprofit data

You have some data.

You need some money.

The money will further your mission.

Easy right?


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Philanthropy nonprofit fundraising

Being the amazing nonprofit asker you are, you're an essential player in the business...

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Lazy just a thought

A loaded word for sure, lazy means different things to different people.

We may have been...

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Ease & Simplicity nonprofit data

"Nothing is ever simple in <insert donor management system name here>" is a...

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Getting INTRApersonal nonprofit fundraising

Last week we looked at INTERpersonal communication for askers. Interpersonal communication is an...

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