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Soft vs Hard Asks

nonprofit fundraising

You are always asking. Sometimes the ask is soft and sometimes it is hard.

Soft asks include an implied request like "believe me," "trust me," or "listen to me." Yes, you may say these things out loud, but mostly when we are communicating with someone these are implied. A yes to a soft ask is also usually implied and relatively easy.

Hard asks include an outright request like "will you donate one million big ones to help us build this building," "can I borrow a hundred bucks," or "will you take me to the airport." These asks are overt. A response to a hard ask is also clearly stated, sometimes easy, but typically a yes needs further consideration than a soft ask.

When you really dig into interpersonal communication and take into consideration this concept of soft vs hard asks, you are always in ask mode.

Be mindful what you ask for; you might just get it.

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