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Announcing Your Intentions

nonprofit fundraising

We all have a set of tactics we use when it comes to making asks for our nonprofit organization. Our tactics are directly linked to the intentions we have with a given prospect.

A perfectly acceptable tactic for you might just be to announce your intentions clearly at the beginning of the ask cycle. It's okay to share your intentions with your prospect, to verbalize them.

You may decide, based on your connection with a prospect, to announce your intentions very clearly as in, "I'm going to ask you for a million dollars." Or you may opt for more subtlety as in, "I'm going to ask you for your support." Same tactic, different degree of clarity.

Here's the thing. When you call a donor or prospect to schedule a visit, they know why you're calling. If announcing your intentions either specifically or subtly early in the ask cycle helps you lessen fear, anxiety, or nerves, do it.

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