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50 just a thought

The title kind of says it all. This Saturday, December 11th I turn fifty. So, I'm not an...

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Information vs Insight nonprofit data

In today's always connected world, it feels like people crave more and more information. But...

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Connection Intention nonprofit fundraising

As a nonprofit asker, your intentions should always include creating meaningful connections with...

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The Power of 60 Seconds just a thought

You are only a moment away from a better day.

A mind flip...a switch of the brain...a change in...

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Seth Godin on Data nonprofit data

One of my idols on many levels is Seth Godin. I read his blog posts religiously every morning.


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Adjust nonprofit fundraising

Adjusting to changing given circumstances with a prospect is a must in nonprofit fundraising.


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Gratitude just a thought

Gratitude is the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return...

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Thanksgiving Day-ta nonprofit data

This week in the U.S. we are celebrating Thanksgiving, a day to give thanks for abundance...

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Giving Thanks nonprofit fundraising

How do you express gratitude to the donors who support the mission of your organization? As they...

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Pearl's Business just a thought

The most important lessons I've learned about running a small business I learned from how my dog...

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