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A Puzzling Life

just a thought

I recently wrote a post about nonprofit data being similar to a jigsaw puzzle. As I wrote that post I couldn't help but think about other puzzles we encounter.

Life is kind of like a puzzle too isn't it? We find ourselves constantly sifting through a pile of random pieces that eventually fit together perfectly to create a picture, our unique picture.

As we sift through the pieces of the puzzle, we have these glorious moments of clarity. The moments when we can feel it all coming together. When the picture we've been working so hard to create is, for a moment, crystal clear. We know without doubt we are on the exact right path. These are the moments that give us the hope, confidence, and strength we need to keep going, keep creating, keep figuring it out.

The puzzle may be confusing at times and hard to fit together, but it certainly is worth the persistence isn't it?

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