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One of the best things about doing what I do is getting to know folks who are doing the work that is changing the world. So let me share a little bit about myself.

My Story


The idea of having something with which to build, the right tools for the job and the confidence that comes with being prepared and creating something from beginning to end often with little to nothing has always been a source of motivation in my life both personally and professionally.

Throughout my career - from actor to costume designer, public speaking instructor to acting teacher, fundraiser to data administrator, nonprofit fundraising data trainer to ask coach, consultant to business owner - I've always been a builder. The tools may change from time to time, but the goal is always the same: to build something out of exactly what I have right where I am.

For over twenty years now, I’ve used my unique skills and experiences to help build better nonprofit fundraisers, smarter nonprofit data professionals, clearer communicators, and stronger connectors.

I've had the honor of working with hundreds of nonprofit organizations across the US. If you'd like to see a representative list of the good folks I've worked with, you can 👉 check them out here.

Today, my family and I are happy to call Bowling Green, Kentucky home. You can learn more about me on 👉 LinkedIn and get to know my Chief Canine Officer, Pearl on 👉 Instagram.

My Values



Being yourself and embracing everyone for their unique contributions is the path to truthful, meaningful work that makes everyone around you better.


Staying open to meaningful connections is always an all-win scenario.


Unique ways of approaching challenges are all around us, locked away in our imaginations just waiting to be freed.


Communication starts by listening, understanding different perspectives, and caring about others’ success.


This isn’t just a job. It’s a calling and I love it! Having fun is a choice. Life is short, so we might as well make it fun.


Staying the course when everything is pushing toward the opposite creates a momentum that spreads and can energize, inspire others.


Laugh. Be grateful, positive, and accepting. Make people feel good.


Passion generates excitement for what we do and how we do it.


Seeking to understand with curiosity and vulnerability.

Connect with Ed

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