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two posts of steaming stew in a kitchen

Your Stew

just a thought

All of us have our own mix of skills and talents that influence most everything we do be it personal or professional. I like to think of it as a stew and each time we stir, simmer, and serve it we perfect the recipe.

What are the ingredients in your skill stew?

Does your stew feed and nourish others? How so?

Does it need a pinch of something to make it that much more savory?

Is your stew so amazing that others would pay for it?

How would you sell your stew? Would you sell it pre-made? Kind of a take-it-home-heat-it-up-and-enjoy stew? Or would you sell the ingredients so others could make it from scratch themselves?

Would you teach people how to make it?

How might you change up the recipe now and again to offer more and varied flavors?

Why not create an old-school recipe card? This way you can keep it close by to remind yourself of the unique ingredients that go into your stew and be ready to make it wherever you happen to be.

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