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Um...Wait...I Don't Know...

just a thought

Uncertainty gets a bum rap. But it's important to give yourself permission to be uncertain sometimes.

Here are a few ways to reframe your uncertainty.

  1. Uncertainty is a natural part of growth: Everyone experiences uncertainty at some point in their lives, especially when they're trying something new or embarking on a new path. It's important to remember that uncertainty isn't a sign of weakness, but rather a sign that you're growing and pushing yourself beyond your comfort zone.
  2. Embrace uncertainty as an opportunity: Instead of viewing uncertainty as a negative, try to reframe it as an opportunity to learn and grow. Uncertainty can be an opportunity to explore new possibilities, try new things, and discover strengths and abilities you didn't know you had.
  3. Don't let uncertainty hold you back: It's important to recognize that uncertainty can be paralyzing, and it's easy to get stuck in a cycle of self-doubt and indecision. However, it's important to remember that taking action is often the best way to overcome uncertainty. Even small steps can help build confidence and momentum.
  4. Practice self-compassion: Finally, it's important to be kind to yourself when you're experiencing uncertainty. Remember that everyone experiences self-doubt and uncertainty from time to time. It's okay to make mistakes or take a different path than you initially planned. Be gentle with yourself, and trust that you have the resilience and strength to overcome any challenges that come your way.

When you choose to embrace uncertainty, you become more relatable to others. It shows you're not afraid to be vulnerable and there is something in us as humans that attracts us to a sense of vulnerability.

I'm pretty good at giving myself permission to be uncertain. But my uncertainty typically revolves around my abilities, my gifts, my unique set of skills and talents. I'm not sure this is necessarily the type of uncertainty that is freeing and joyful. It tends to hold me back from living fully. So, today I give myself permission to be uncertain about my typical question be leery of it.

What will you give yourself the permission to be uncertain of today?

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