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just a thought

If you're a fellow child of the seventies and eighties, you know that Journey is arguably the ultimate power ballad band. Although I love their music, this isn't the kind of journey I'm talking about here. 

What I am referring to is your own personal journey. You're journey through life.

In a post from last week - Words = Power - I discussed, you guessed it, the power contained in our words.

So, what words do you use to describe your journey? Have you shared these words you use to describe your journey with others?

Never doubt the power of sharing the story of your journey. Your truthful, authentic journey and the way you share it with others is likely one of the most interesting, powerful things about you.

Sharing the unique twists and turns of your journey will more than likely help someone else on theirs.

Don't stop believin'! šŸ˜‰

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