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Can You Spare a Second?

just a thought

If we are not connecting on some level with others and the world around us are we living fully?

I'm not suggesting that we all need to be or become the quintessential extrovert, engaging with everyone and everything at every moment.

I am suggesting we all take small, incremental steps toward creating more meaningful connections.

Making a point to say hello to a stranger.

Looking someone in the eyes when speaking with them.

Letting your teammates know you are listening and you hear them.

Sharing a cherished memory with a family member just because.

Saying please and thank you on the regular.

These things cost nothing but a few extra seconds of your time. We can all afford it. The cost of not doing it is entirely too high.

Connecting in a meaningful, authentic, joyful, full way can be scary, but more often than not certainly worth any perceived risk. In fact, it may just be the thing that person you just passed on the sidewalk or in the car next to you needs here, today, now.

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