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Two Recent Raiser's Edge NXT Updates

nonprofit data

There are two recent feature updates in Blackbaud's Raiser's Edge NXT I wanted to bring to your attention. Both are updates to NXT donation forms. They may just change the way you think about and carry out your recurring gift program.

1. Enable recurring gift end date for donation forms

Now, when donors give recurring gifts through donation forms, you can let them select an end date before processing the payment.

To enable this feature, from ToolsDonation form designer, create or edit a form. Under Form, select Click to edit on the gift amounts. Under Recurring, select Enable recurring gift end date.

Okay, I know this kind of makes a recurring gift behave like a pledge, but in RENXT that's the beauty of it. Wink. Wink. Nudge. Nudge.

2. Reduce transaction fees on automatically processed recurring gifts with donor cover and Complete Cover

In November of last year, Blackbaud introduced donor cover and Complete Cover which was awesome, but recurring gift payments were not eligible for either. Well guess what? Now they are. Blackbaud Checkout now presents a fee cover option to those who pay for their recurring gifts by credit card through a donor cover or Complete Cover-enabled donation form. Future recurring gift payments include the covered amount.

To enable a fee cover on donation forms, from Tools, Donation form designer, create or edit a form. Under Get started, Payment processing, select a payment configuration in the Process payments with field. Next, select how you would like to cover fees for the form under Fee coverage.

To cancel the covered amount from future recurring gift payments, go to the recurring gift record and select Amend gift amount. Unmark the fee coverage option from future payments.

In my very humble opinion, these could be game changers for some of you out there who use Raiser's Edge NXT.

If you have any questions about these new features (or any others), just reply to this email.

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