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The Woo of the Ask

nonprofit fundraising

On August 29th I will have been meditating daily for two years using the Calm app. As I approach this milestone I've been thinking about what I've learned through my daily practice.

A lot of what I've learned applies perfectly to nonprofit askers.

Meditation flexes three primary muscles that help askers strengthen interpersonal skills.


Our attention is a limited resource of which there are two types - detail and big picture. You might think of these attention types as internal and external. In this way our concentration is bifurcated or split. We want to focus our attention externally on our prospect at all times during a visit (and outside our visits) as well as focus internally on our information processors that keep the ask cycle moving forward.


In the stillness of meditation, clarity is often an added bonus. Ideas solidify. Thoughts come together. Creativity flourishes. There are few things more important to nonprofit askers as clarity of mind and message. As clarity of mind and message increases, the way we discuss our organization's mission with prospects becomes more impactful.


Handling yourself with ease, calm, and comfort regardless of the energy being created around you is an incredibly powerful tool in your asking toolbelt. When you sit down to visit with a donor or prospect there are often unknowns that can press against you, obstructing your objectives, throwing you off message, and leading to frustration. There is a direct line between an asker's ability to stay centered in these moments and getting a yes to a request.

Whether you call it meditation, prayer, chanting, or reflection makes no difference, the moments we set aside for quiet contemplation create space for growth in all areas of life - even work.

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