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The Pause: Nonprofit Data

nonprofit data

Taking a pause on the data side of our nonprofit house takes on a different meaning than it does on the asking side. That doesn't mean when things get confusing or more difficult than we would like a pause is not in order.

What you do in the pause is everything. It can present an opportunity for growth - personal and system - if during it you follow a few guiding principles.

Practice patience with yourself and others.

Take small sustainable steps to keep your data in a good place or get to a better one.

A thorough understanding of your donor management system is a must. Also important is the understanding that others may not have as thorough an understanding as you and may need your help to get there.

Get back to basics. Focus on the fundamentals in the system including the basic development structure for coding donations, codes used to segment constituent groups, and constituent contact information.

Get training if you need it.

Haste certainly makes waste when it comes to your organization's data.

There are lots of moving parts in your donor management system and lots of hands in it. Sometimes a pause is just the thing to get you back on track with a fresh perspective and deeper insight.

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