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scrabble tiles that spell out "pause breathe resume"

The Pause: Asking

nonprofit fundraising

Pinned up on the cork board hanging in front of me as I sit at my desk day in and day out are the letters P.A.U.S.E. It is a visual reminder to do just that and let the power contained in the pause work its magic.

Learning to use the power of the pause is a form of art. Nonprofit asking is an artform as well. An asker who learns the power of the pause becomes a master at the craft.

Putting together a proposal for your prospect that clearly communicates your nonprofit organization's mission, including where your prospect fits into it takes skill and creativity.

Sitting with a prospect during a visit, sharing your thoughtful work takes an additional set of skills all together. This is where your interpersonal communication skills (words, tone, gestures) come into play.

Regardless of how good a communicator you are when you are presenting the proposal, your prospect may raise objections or ask questions you may not have anticipated. This may lead to a pause.

What you do in the pause is everything. It can present an opportunity if during it you:

  • Ponder
    Quickly recall what preceded the pause. What is being objected to?
  • Affirm
    Affirm you want what is in the best interest of the prospect.
  • Understand
    Let your prospect know you understand by repeating the objection back to her.
  • Suggest
    Suggest alternatives as appropriate.
  • Encourage
    Always encourage further conversation and additional visits.

Handled correctly, you can treat a pause as an opportunity to react more skillfully, attentively, consciously.

Who knows...a visual cue on your "cork board" may just be the reminder you need to cause a pause.

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