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The Before Stuff

nonprofit fundraising

Preparation prior to any prospect visit is of course an absolute must. While specific prep work may vary from asker to asker, there are some basics that are critical to nonprofit fundraising success.

Before each prospect visit ask yourself and answer these questions:

  1. Are my feet firmly planted, grounded?
    Getting and remaining grounded helps you stay present and respond accordingly in the moment.
  2. Have I prepped my body?
    Keeping your body relaxed and free of tension, you are better able to attune to and reply with appropriate nonverbal cues and gestures.
  3. Have I prepped my mind?
    Being attentive to your state of mind will help you maintain positivity and increase awareness of not only your own energy, but the energy of your prospect as well.
  4. Have I prepped my spirit?
    Tapping into your creative spirit connects you to your creative source - the birthplace of all things.
  5. Have I prepped my materials?
    Prep work by way of prospect research is vital in today's competitive nonprofit fundraising landscape. Becoming familiar with your prospect's relationship to your organization or cause via data and prospect screenings will enhance your connection with your prospect during a visit.

If the answer to any of these is no, take a minute to turn it to yes.

The whole is greater than the sum of the parts here. Combined, these six touchpoints will help take your attention of yourself and place it fully on your prospect. Exactly where it should be during every visit.

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