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Keeping WATCH

nonprofit fundraising

There are some universal truths that span industries and impact most, if not all, areas of our lives both professionally and personally.

Keeping WATCH is one of these truths. It holds special significance for nonprofit askers.

  • W - Watch your Words.
  • A - Watch your Actions.
  • T - Watch your Thoughts.
  • C - Watch your Character.
  • H - Watch your Habits.

Through history different people have shared a version of this:

Mind your thoughts, as they become your words. Mind your words, as they become your actions. Mind your actions, as they become you.

Work with your fundraising prospects begins with your thoughts and imagination. The thoughts and imaginings you think and imagine about your prospect become the words you use to communicate with them. Your words in turn become your actions with them. Your actions with them reveal your character which is directly influenced by your habits.

The WATCH you keep with your thoughts, words, and actions not only become you, they influence your prospect toward or away from investing in your organization's mission.

When we keep WATCH we can rest assured that we are always putting our best foot forward with those we look to for support of our mission.

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