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Effective Communication: Embrace Vulnerability

acting for all

Throughout a typical day, professionals of all stripes interact with others through a variety of mediums like phone calls, virtual meetings, emails, and face-to-face conversations. These interactions are often with people who could be considered strangers were it not for the professional relationship established by the work context.

Communicating with individuals who you may not know well can sometimes instill a sense of vulnerability, even in experienced professionals. The apprehension associated with professional communication is a very real sensation.

To gain important insights from your exchanges, it's beneficial to foster a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere around each interaction. An effective way to achieve this is by attentively listening to the underlying messages in the words that the other party chooses to use - the subtext. This enables you to identify opportunities to connect in genuine and meaningful ways. This strategy is always effective, as it redirects your focus from yourself onto the individual with whom you're communicating, where it rightfully belongs.

Given the nature of your role, you might find yourself in situations that could potentially induce feelings of vulnerability. However, with consistent effort, it's possible to grow more at ease in these circumstances. An added advantage is that when you become more comfortable with the uncertainty and unpredictability that these interactions can bring, a sense of confidence can permeate other aspects of your professional life.

Any professional who learns to adapt to vulnerability, managing it instead of opposing it, will be able to navigate their communications more effectively, leading to less stress and more success.

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