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Ask Alignment

nonprofit fundraising

Nonprofit askers hold a special place in my heart and my work. I've been an asker in one form or another the good majority of my adult life.

Here's what I've come to know about this unique type of communication - asking is an art form. Connection is the medium. Words, gestures, intonation, pace, and tempo-rhythm are the tools used to make this art.

As an artist, you need a way to consistently tap into the source of your creativity, to access a state of fundraising flow at will.

Aligning the body, mind, and spirit is the best way to cultivate a creative climate for the ask. The aim in this alignment is to ensure you are physically grounded, mentally focused, and spiritually centered to create. 

When you incorporate a daily practice that intentionally brings together the body, mind, and spirit, you are creating space physically, mentally, and spiritually to accept and adapt to whatever the day may bring as you go about your asks.

So, let's create some space right now. Here are three short daily exercises you can do to align your body, mind, and spirit to your asks.

  1. Body
    Take 5 deep breaths. Inhale fully. Exhale each breath slowly. Visualize the breath travelling down your spine on the inhale and back up on the exhale.
  2. Mind
    Take 5 more deep breaths. On each breath focus your mind on one task you want to accomplish over the course of the day. What are the positive outcomes of accomplishing this task?
  3. Spirit
    Write down 5 things you're grateful for today. Be sure to include the reason you're grateful for these things.

These exercises should take only a couple minutes to perform. The amount of time isn't the point. The goal is creating the habit.

As a fundraiser you are constantly called upon to put yourself out there, to take a chance, to be rejected, to live in the vulnerable. If your entire asking instrument isn't working in concert, how are you to do what you need to do? Will you be doing your best work if your tools to create are inaccessible?

By investing a few short minutes in aligning your body, mind, and spirit each day, you will be certain to maintain the inner and outer creative state so important to building relationships and connecting deeply as you support the mission of your organization. In other words, creating your art.

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