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10 Things I Learned in Acting School Every Nonprofit Asker Needs to Know

nonprofit fundraising

Nonprofit fundraisers, I call them askers, are like actors in more ways than you'd probably imagine. There are several techniques and skills nonprofit askers can learn from actors that will help them get more yeses to their request-es with less stresses.

Before I get into the list, it's important to point out that the best actors ground their work in truth and bring a sense of authenticity to every role. Through truth and authenticity, rich, meaningful connections are formed between actor and character as well as between actor, other actors, and crew. The best askers do the same, using truth and authenticity to connect meaningfully with donors, prospects, and their teammates. Like so many things in life it all starts with truth and authenticity.

Now, without further ado here are ten things I learned in acting school every nonprofit asker should know and train up on a regular basis.

  1. Presence
    Actors learn how to be fully present in the moment and engage with their audience, which is an important skill for nonprofit askers when interacting with donors and stakeholders.

  2. Emotion
    Actors learn how to tap into and express a wide range of emotions, which can help askers connect with donors or prospects on an emotional level and inspire them to renew their commitment or give for the first time.

  3. Storytelling
    Actors learn how to tell compelling stories through their performances, which is an essential skill for nonprofit askers when communicating the mission and impact of their organization.

  4. Public Speaking
    Actors learn how to speak confidently and effectively in front of an audience, which can help askers deliver powerful and persuasive asks to donors and other stakeholders.

  5. Adaptability
    Actors learn how to adapt to different roles and situations, which can help nonprofit askers be more flexible and responsive in their fundraising efforts and visits with prospects.

  6. Empathy
    Actors learn how to put themselves in other people's shoes and understand different perspectives, which can help askers understand donors' motivations and build stronger relationships with them.

  7. Confidence
    Actors learn how to project confidence and positivity, which can help nonprofit askers instill confidence in donors and prospects and build trust with them.

  8. Body Language
    Actors learn how to use their body language to communicate emotions, which is an important skill for askers when communicating with donors in person.

  9. Active Listening
    Actors learn how to listen actively to their scene partners and respond appropriately, which is critical for nonprofit askers when interacting with donors, volunteers and other stakeholders.

  10. Embracing Rejection
    Actors learn how to handle rejection. An absolute must for askers, as not all asks will get a yes.

Askers can learn a lot from actors. By incorporating these techniques and skills into their work, nonprofit askers can become more effective communicators, more engaging presenters, and more successful in their efforts to raise funds in support of their organization's mission.

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