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Stronger, Better, Kinder asking connection nonprofit fundraising

Recently I wrote about one of the most valuable skills you can have - showing gratitude. There's...

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New Work Appropriate communication connection just a thought

Somewhere along the line we're taught that certain things are and other things aren't acceptable...

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What's In A Word communication connection just a thought

Words are simply lines, circles, curves, and squiggles arranged in a way that help us share our...

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Make it Better connection just a thought

Imagine if each of us woke up every morning with our first thought being, "I'm going to make...

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3-2-1 Contact communication connection just a thought

If we are not connecting on some level with The Other, with the environment we navigate through...

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Born This Way acting for askers connection nonprofit fundraising

In his Poetics, written around 335 BC, Aristotle wrote, “Imitation is natural to man from...

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