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Loosey-Goosey List

nonprofit data

Pulling an accurate list from your donor management system can be challenging in and of itself. Heaped atop this challenge are typically dirty data and a time crunch. A disastrous, unsustainable combination for sure.

My advice? When pulling a list from you database leave the criteria for your pull loosey-goosey at first. This will yield a large haul of records you can look through - dare I say analyze - before tightening your criteria to filter out unwanted records.

Each time you adjust your criteria, run the list again. With each turn of the criteria screw your results will get tighter and tighter until you have the perfect quantity and quality.

Name your lush list so when you have to pull it (or a similar list) next time you can use it as your base. No need to reinvent the wheel each time you need a new list. Simply adjust the spokes and drive on.

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