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5 Habits of Happy Fundraising Data Analysts

nonprofit data

Are you a nonprofit fundraising data analyst who is feeling less than fulfilled and totally burned out?

Try incorporating some or all of these habits into your daily routine.

Look for one menial task to automate.

Many fundraising data analysts have found more satisfaction in their work by automating some "boring" tasks so they can spend more time doing the “fun” stuff. One way to do this is with one of the many new low and no code tools that have hit the market. You will realize when learning how to use low and no code tools there are a number of tasks you can automate and perhaps even remove them from your plate all together.

Work for ten minutes a day on a new fundraising data-analysis-related skill.

Developing this habit is a great way to advance your skills as a fundraising data analyst by picking up new technologies or ways of doing things. Websites, blog posts, and podcasts are great sources of information about new advances in the field that may inspire you to try something new.

Make progress on a passion project that is unrelated to your daily work.

With this habit chose a project you can work on every day for at least ten minutes. You may decide to add a brand new skill to your repertoire or attempt a new kind of analysis or visualization. Something just challenging enough to bring some excitement and freshness to your daily mix.

Seek out one fundraising department process that can be done more efficiently.

This daily habit not only demonstrates your continued value to your team it also gives you an extra mental workout during the day that might just inspire you to improve your skills and advance the processes of your fundraising team.

Share your experience and knowledge with others to pay it forward.

Sharing what you know with others is a fulfilling daily habit. It not only shows you how far you’ve come as a fundraising data professional but also helps others around you attain similar success. Sharing tips on how to automate data processes or helping others prepare for stakeholder meetings is vital to your continued success and the success of your team.

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