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Truth, Authenticity, & the OPB

one-person business

Truth and authenticity are closely related. Your sense of truth expands as you experience more of the world. Your sense of authenticity is your means of weaving your truths (your experiences) together in a way that is honest, appropriate for the present moment, and consistent with your personality. Authenticity is inevitable when we honor our truth.

The person I am today is not the same person I was twenty years ago. As my experiences have widened, my sense of truth has widened with them. Through this process of experiencing, my sense of authenticity has evolved.

Why is this important for an OPB? Without a firm grip on your truth and a strong sense of authenticity, an OPB is at a serious disadvantage. When we understand our truth, we are more comfortable embracing our authenticity, and better able (and willing) to connect with others meaningfully.

Meaningful connections lead to longevity and loyalty.

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