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The OPB Road

one-person business

The OPB road is a hard one. No. Let me rephrase that. The OPB road is not the hardest road. It's more like a  twisty-curvy road that requires nothing less than laser focus to stay out of the ditch.

You will think about your OPB 24/7 365 days a year. You must be ready to work when opportunity, creativity, and inspiration strike...hopefully all at once.

In a very real way there is no off-switch for OPBs. This is a blessing and a curse. A blessing because you get to stay tapped into your creativity. A curse because it can impact a balanced approach to life if you're not careful.

But the great balancer is the comfort you take in the freedom running your OPB affords you. And the excitement you'll experience on the adventurous roads you'll travel.

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